April showers and brief glimpses of sunshine signal the beginning of a new season – spring! The slightly warmer weather coupled with a few drops of rain results in sweet and lush green grass which is enthusiastically chomped at by cows, goats and sheep who have likely been grazing on hay all winter; meaning fresh new cheeses full of the tastes, smells and feel of spring. We’ve listed a few of our favourite cheeses below that we think are best enjoyed at this time of year.
Fosseway Fleece from the Somerset Cheese Company is a perfect spring cheese. A hard, pasteurised ewes milk cheese, it is light and creamy with a fresh, mellow afterglow and slight sweetness. It is made in the style of Cheddar which makes it a great choice of ewes cheese novices.
A fantastic spring goat’s cheese is the Capricorn from Cricket St Thomas’ Lubborn Creamery. This is a soft, creamy cheese with an irresistible gooey centre and mild, clean and fresh flavour and a firm favourite of ours.
The Sharpham Estate produce some great year round cheeses. However we think spring is the perfect time to try their Rustic cheese. As it has yet to fully mature the cheese is fresh and clean tasting with lovely lemon and citrus flavours coupled with a slightly crumbly texture. It is also available with fresh garlic and chives which adds a delicious savoury depth to the cheese.
Beenleigh Blue is a ewes milk cheese made by Ticklemore Cheese in Totnes, South Devon. It has the bright, floral flavours characteristic of spring cheeses which develop into richer, creamier flavours as the cheese matures and a slightly crumbly texture.
Embrace the seasons and discover the vast seasonal differences in your favourite cheeses.