Blog Posts
We know that it’s important to know where your food comes from and who the people are supplying it. That’s why we try to make our blog as informative as possible, so you know everything there is to know about who we are, who we buy from and what we are up to.
Please feel free to give our blog a read if you have some spare time, we’d love for you to get to know us. If you’d like to be featured in one of our blogs, or there is something you’d like us to talk about, please let us know.
Our Favourite Blog Posts
We’ve found four great recipes using this deliciously versatile cheese. Whether you are a wonderful chef worthy of your own Michelin star or a kitchen novice these recipes are easy to follow and sure to deliver tasty results!
British Pie Week celebrates everything good about the pie from the delicious buttery pastry to the rich, more-ish filling we love all things pie and this week we want to share that love with you.
We are excited to introduce our newest venture West Country Olives, we are now over a month into launching this exciting new brand of olives and it is going from strength to strength.
The weather is improving, Covid restrictions are easing and we’re all itching to get out of the houses we’ve been stuck in for more than a year so what better first step back to normality than a farm shop?
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The Heart Of Our Company Blog Series
In this series we delve into the local businesses that keep ours running. From customers to suppliers, we would not be able to do what we do without the support and excellent work of the companies around us. We pride ourselves on the quality and locality of the produce we stock and we think you should know where it all comes from.

Take a look at some of the recipes we’ve created using a selection of our products. Why not give some of them a go yourself?
Midweek Recipes
Cooking during the week can often be uninspiring and more
Stilton and its Mysterious Origins
Alongside Cheddar, Stilton is one of the UK’s most famous
Meat and cheese anyone?
Meat and cheese go well together, this much we know.
Healthier Cheeses
Believe it or not there are some cheeses out there
Farmhouse vs. Factory Cheese
It goes without saying that there is a huge difference
Source Food & Drink Show 2018
Happy New Year to all our customers! Now the festive
Whalesborough Cheese
Whalesborough Cheese is a small family business based on the
Orchardlea and Pre-Packs
Back in December 2013 owners of local, prestigious pre-packer Orchardlea
Chunk of Devon Pies & Pasties
We have been stocking Chunk of Devon pies, pasties and
New Flavoured Cheeses!
Ford Farm is a West Country Farmhouse cheesemaker idyllically located
Chinns Sausages
Chinns sausages are well known and highly regarded throughout Devon
Dartboard Selections
It’s that time of year again! This year we have
All about cheese
We stock a wide range of delicious cheeses and what
Georgie Porgie’s Puddings come to Isca!
Georgie Porgie’s Puddings are a new addition for us. Based
Waterhouse Fayre Christmas Selection
Waterhouse Fayre jams, chutneys and marmalades have been great sellers
New Products!
It’s been a little while since we have posted on
Riverford Devon Organic Dairy
A new selection of organic Devon dairy products is now
Rod & Ben’s Devon organic seasonal foods
A new selection of organic Devon
GIANT Bourbon Biscuits & Custard Creams
GIANT biscuits & custard creams are now in stock and
Best of British
Orchard Farm British Pork Frozen Sausage Made using 100% fresh
Breakfast Week
So we all know by know breakfast is the most
Chunk of Devon – Ricardo’s Pie
New Chunk Of Devon – Ricardo’s Pie now available to
Facebook and Twitter
Hope everyone has had a good Christmas & New Year.
West Country Christmas Cheese Baskets
Remember to pre-order your West Country Christmas Cheese Baskets before
Christmas 2015 Range
We are into November and Christmas is upon us. The
Summer salads
So the Met Office are predicting our hottest July on
Orchardlea – Our Pre-packed range!
So what is Orchardlea? Orchardlea is our branding for our
Praiseworthy for Curworthy
Here at ISCA Foods we are proud to collect (by

BBQ Summer Special
Chunk of Devon’s very own summer special comes in the