Summer Holidays 2020

One of the things we love most about summer holidays abroad is discovering the local cuisine: taking in the aromas and strange sights and sounds of a foreign food market and leisurely perusing restaurant menus before deciding on where to spend the evening. However unfortunately due to the circumstances most of us won’t be travelling to our favourite exotic destinations this summer and instead we’re stuck here.

thai greenWhether you are ‘staycationing’ at home or opting for a British break why not bring the sunshine flavours of a holiday to you? We’re thinking the fresh salads of Greece full of plump olives, juicy tomatoes and salty feta, the intense heat of an authentic Thai curry and the rich luxurious-ness of traditional  French cuisine with Coq au Vin or Beef Bourguignon.

What flavours or meals do you associate with summer? Comment below or tag us in your staycation foodie inspiration via our social media pages.